A One button Arcade Game.


Mitsuyo is an antique Japanese katana related to the Samurai history. According to legend the  Ōtenta-Mitsuyo ended up with the Maeda family when Hideyoshi offered it to Maeda Toshiie to fight the evil forces that made his daughter Gō. Since then, the Ōtenta-Mitsuyo has been closely guarded by the Maeda family.



The game was designed to be played with one button.

Press the button you want at the right time!

  • You can touch everywhere.
  • You can press any key on the keyboard or Mouse.
  • You can press any button on gamepad.

You will perform different actions based on the place and time you are.

  • Near an enemy you will attack.
  • Near a throwed sword you will fight back it.
  • Near a ravine you will jump.
  • In mid-air you will double jump.
  • After two jumps you will make a special down attack.


There's one unique endless level whose difficulty has been adjusted to allow anyone to play keeping it challenging.


1-Button Jam 2020

My name is Kevin and my artname is: Keb1t

I'm a solo developer. My main skill is programming, but to make a game I needed to start learning the game design,  art design and sound design. Everything you'll see in one of my games was often made by me, or by some friends; I hate use any kind of assets.

You can find me on  Instagram


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Ti ringrazio tantissimo !

ma scherzi? grazie a te.  è la dimostrazione che basta pochissimo per realizzare qualcosa di bello. un classico endless? vero, ma mentre c'è chi cerca di arricchirli con un sacco di cose per renderli diversi tu invece hai tolto, al punto da usare solo due colori e un tasto. il risultato è sorprendente. Bravo, bravo, bravo.

Ma è fantastico!!

Come hai fatta  fare quelle animazioni?

Ciao, innanzitutto grazie mille!!
Comunque le animazioni le ho realizzate manualmente con un programma gratuito chiamato "Dragonbones" :D

Grazie mille della risposta...veramente bravo!

Ciao Keb, scusa il disturbo! Non riesco a scaricare Dragon Bones dal sito...gentilmente potresti mandarmi il file dell'applicazione sulla mia email noceragiacomo44@gmail.com ?  Ti ringrazio veramente, anche se non puoi mandarmelo! Buona giornata!!